Go on a journey into the heart of Paris at its most mysterious, and explore the dark side of a city better known for its illuminations.
Your guide will tell you the legends that surround the famous Cathedral of Notre Dame, will detail a dark matter that caused so much blood to flow in the Middle Ages. In front of the Tour Saint-Jacques in the meanders of alchemy with Nicolas Flamel, a scientist researcher is experimenting the transformation of lead into gold.
Then, near the Place Sainte-Opportune, you will discover the narrow and dark rue Courtalon, where once, in the time of Louis XIV, a dark affair took place. Facing Saint-Jacques Tower, discover how reality beats fiction, and in the heart of Rue de la Ferronnerie, learn how “Le Vert Gallant” died.
Your unusual guided tour will end at the astrological and astronomical tower of the Queen Black. The legend tells that even today, during the stormy nights, the ghost of the queen's mage returns to haunt the Tower ...